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architecture and environment

Architecture and Environment

Tutor: Mr. Bruce Lee Xia Sheng

Going into this module felt like a rehash of me in Physics class in Highschool. This module introduced us into the science behind architecture and the calculations needed to create a good building design whether it involved thermals, sound or light. The topics were very interesting and taught a lot of the things necessary to be a practicing architect. It also made me learn new skills like Revit, Sketchup and creating 3d renders just like an architect would in real life using VRAY. However, I did feel many problems with the module as in it being very disorganised in the first few weeks, feeling "unfair" as I, recently completed my first semester was with people in semester 3 and  so on. The main problem I also had was that it was in a short semester therefore everything was rushed, deadlines were short and I felt that this module would be a lot better in a normal semester

Creative Essay.

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Daylighting Analysis.

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